Elliptical Interval Training | Commercial Fitness | Octane Fitness Skip to content

elliptical interval trainingElliptical trainers are some of the most popular pieces of exercise equipment – and for good reason. They provide low-impact, total-body workouts for beginners to athletes – without all the pounding on your body. And they offer a wide variety of programs, typically with different resistance levels, so you can take on a HIIT session one day and a less intense steady-state program the next.

Speaking of HIIT, it’s everywhere. That’s because research continues to show that you can get greater ROI from HIIT in terms of calorie burn, metabolism boost and overall conditioning – all in less time than a steady-state workout. With these great benefits, it’s easy to opt for HIIT every workout. But many HIIT routines also subject the body to repetitive impact, which can lead to fatigue, burnout or injuries. So it is recommended that exercisers do NOT do HIIT every day.

A great option for HIIT or simply interval training is the elliptical, which delivers intensity without stressful impact. Try the workouts on the machine you use at the gym or home, or read on for some recommendations on elliptical interval training on Octane Fitness’ popular models.

Elliptical Interval Training

  1. Interval training – Choose Random or Custom Interval workouts for various resistance levels and challenges. In Random, the machine randomly changes intensity for one-minute intervals, from lower to higher, with some short recovery built in. For the Custom Interval routine, you design a session with up to four alternating intervals, with your choice of resistance and duration. The options are virtually limitless, and no two workouts must be the same!
  2. Heart rate interval training – Customized according to your heart rate response, the Heart Rate Custom Interval automatically adjusts the resistance level to keep you working at a lower and higher target heart rate to vary intensity throughout sessions.
  3. HIIT – These unique regimens, only offered by Octane, were designed to deliver the ultimate challenge. In the rigorous 30:30 program, you tackle five repetitions of 30-second sprints, followed by 30-second recovery periods, and then spend three minutes recovering before the next set, where you do it all over again. The machine measures how fast your heart rate recovers between sprints, which is an indicator of your fitness level. Do this routine over time to measure your progress.

Or take on your toughest opponent with MMA, where the elliptical battles it out with you. Five-minute rounds include five alternating “fight” and “recover” intervals of various lengths. The harder you punch with your arms, the harder the machine “fights back” with increased resistance. Plus, the prompts to “punch and move” and “throw it,” keep your head in the game.

  1. Workout Boosters – This is interval training made ultra-simple. Octane’s trademark X-Mode, GluteKicker and ArmBlaster break up workouts with one-minute bursts that prompt you to squat, lean back, go in reverse, pedal fast and more. You can target the lower or upper body, vary your pace and maximize your motivation with these engaging intervals that increase calorie burn and make exercise sessions fly by.
  2. CROSS CiRCUIT – For maximum efficiency and effectiveness, take on CROSS CiRCUIT, which combines cardio intervals with strength training exercises that use body weight, dumbbells and Octane’s Powerbands to increase productivity, boost endurance and build strength – all for better results. Choose from multiple routines, such as Total-Body Blast, Upper Body and Core, and vary strength exercises to keep your mind focused and your body striving.

To get the most from your elliptical interval training, incorporate variety with different resistance levels, paces, programs and workout duration. Take advantage of elliptical interval training to capitalize on all the machine has to offer!